TRI-X 400
Judee Sillの曲とお酒で酔ってる場合じゃないですね
Oh btw, Happy late new year!!
So.., New Year's resolution.. What's your goal.
For me, I really want to be better person more than last year.
be more sweet, nice and being a mature person.(本当にいつまでも子供っぽすぎる)
say what i want to say, dont hold inside of me.
be honest, trust people more with unneeded doubt and dont be afraid too much.
confront human in person, (I mean my photographs always no people. but, even tho no one in the picture you can feel some people in my picture. its like from chair, standing alone telephone..) but this time i try to face people more. i do try.
oh, thats too many. can I make it?
Yes i can.
i was rest last year, trying not to do anything. just rest and rest n rest...
lazy.. haha
my mind and body is resurrection. I hope :p
now I can taste water, have time to see the moon changing, i can cry with music and feel that i want to create something and i do.
Thank you for my friends. and im sorry if i hurt you so much last year while im dumb
Happy new year to you all !!!!