Sep 6, 2008

Stir it up!

"Stir it up; little darlin', stir it up. Come on, babe.
Come on and stir it up: little darlin', stir it up. O-oh!"

hey guys, thats my favorite song.
i listen to it when i am down.
oh.. i also eat hot, hot food when im in like that feeling.
this is kinda challenge for... ah.. for what ? for sad, ugly, terrible feeling, maybe.

the hot food makes my rips color red and it hurts me actually.
this is a serious battle.
when you got win on this fierce battle, your 50% bad mood will be gone with a lot of sweat eating hot food.

you can feel cool breeze after that.
and you are full.
then your 30% bad mood should be gone away!


you know already,

THE THING we really have to face up to IS only 20 % bad mood.(50+30=80 100-80=20!!)

Lets eat hot foods !!!

ha! this video depicts my life right!!

ha! this video depicts my life right!!