"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders." - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 「忘却はよりよき前進を生む」(ニーチェ)
"How happy is the blameless vestals lot the world forgetting by the world forgot eternal sunshine of the spotless mind each prayer accepted and each wish resigned" - Alexander Pope 「幸せは無垢な心に宿る。忘却は許すこと。太陽の光に導かれ、陰りなき祈りは運命を動かす」(アレグザンダー・ポープ)
ここで注目したいのは、"忘却"は”許す事"という訳し方。 Alexander Popeの"the world forgetting by the world forgot" ちょっとこの訳が難しすぎる。 「忘却は許す事」この言葉自体は個人的に、とても気に入っている。けれどこの引用文に対しての日本語訳としては、ちょっと強引な感じもする。 というのも、この詩はAlexander Popeの文学作品 Eloisa to Abelard「エロイーザからアベラールへ」からの引用なのだけど 前後のストーリーから考えると、やっぱり違うのではないかと思ったりします。 ぴったりな日本語訳が思いつかないのだけど、どこかにいい日本語訳があったら知りたい。
I take pictures with my kiev 60 recently in my private time not work as I got this camera newly so I gotta test how it works. Then I realized that I prefer 35 mm film not 120 mm it's just because square format makes me confused. I mean square format is not enough to get my imaginations in my head. my imaginations for pictures are in my head like a film/movie, its existing already in a movie screen so it's difficult to change to square way. it's inflexible, isn't it?
Ahh.. The winter season is almost there. I will definitely freezing out as soon as it comes around. It's okay, I'm fine, let's enjoy this. Also, the photographs in the winter season brings me really artistic. Do we have a chance of snow in Tokyo in this year? ?
And, my cocoa in a cup has gone cold now. I think I should go to bed. I have same dream recently again and again and again.. I hope I can dream it ones again tonight because somebody said its a good sign.
take some pictures by my kieve 60 read the great gatsby listen to sigur ros make veggy soup soft blanket and pillow smell of grass walk slow under the big bright moon
I didn't feel well today. I felt kind of sick - maybe so much tabasco that I had last night effected me worse I think.
Then I had a bad dream. My mother tried to kill me in my dream!!! (She is very very nice in the real life.) She was in demented state in my dream. she totally forgot all of me. First, she had a detestation of my face and she covered my face with blanket and next she was disgusted how I exist and tried to kill me. horrible!
I'm not sure why I had that kind of dream. Every small things just matched for a split second.
My belarussian camera, Чайка3(Chaika3) is broken. I tried to fix it at camera shop in Ikebukuro, but it didn't work because it was too old and was made in Belarus. maybe I'll bring it other shop.
I'm Japanese. Sometimes, Using English is very hard for me. Why we all didn't have same language??!! not useful! Don't you think? However, I know it's really great, mysterious and sexy thing that we can explain our feeling with many languages.
I visited my grandmother's house in this new year's holidays. There were nothing to do and I enjoyed that. I spent great happy time with my family. After came back home, I'm a bit busy now, but happy with it.
What's happiness to you? I love winter sea. Hmm... I don't know what to say so, g'nite.