Dec 26, 2010

no woman no cry

iPhone4 + one of old range finder camera

Many artists have a dark side that helps to create their works. it's just like sadness, angriness, self hatred that or loneliness which feels even you are with someone.

Dec 24, 2010

the road to our own

Nikon D300

i got a bad cold
annoyng. many coughing and stuffy nose.

I dont like being sick or dont like people look at me being sick.
i think almost everyone does, right? you want to be looked like alright especially in front of your family, your favorite friends and your lover etc.. me to.

I wanted to spend new year time in thailand then I looked for some tickets at agency today but pretty expensive in this season :(

Did i tell you why I dont want to be here in Japan in this season?
because many damn events are here. but why thai is okay? maybe because warm climate ;-p
Christmas here in Tokyo is crazy in many ways.

my cough again.... maybe its time for bed

Anyway.. hope to enjoy your holiday!

Dec 21, 2010

the work of Chris Cunningham

This advert was directed by Chris Cunningham.
one of my favorite film director. Some of his films are little creepy in a cool way (this ad on this youtube is not creepy at all tho) so it's good to see that when you feel down or frustrating for some reason then you can feel like you found a nice thing to have a sympathy with you.

smile :)

Dec 10, 2010

just relaxing


I like Yoyogi park as everybody there is so relaxing, no rush even tho its on daytime on weekday in Tokyo.
People are doing what they want to do. screaming, sleeping, play instrument, dub badminton( they actually dont care even tho they can not play well - just enjoying) .. nobody care what they do.
dont get pay attention, you can being natural thats why i like Yoyogi park.

They don't ask "where are you from" " what do you do" whatever..
sometimes we need NOT to get pay attention to be ourself i guess and in another way we can say same thing to opposite way tho
we need to get pay attention to be ourself or making sure who we are.

strange tho.

thats human i guess

Dec 2, 2010

a glass of water and my fricking cool lovely shoes


I want to play with camera.

I want to! so let me play with camera, please.

OK I do whatever you say!

Nov 22, 2010



It's never quite right, he said, the way people look,
the way the music sounds, the way the words are
It's never quite right, he said, all the things we are
taught, all the loves we chase, all the deaths we
die, all the lives we live,
they are never quite right,
they are hardly close to right,
these lives we live
one after the other,
piled there as history,
the waste of the species,
the crushing of the light and the way,
it's not quite right,
it's hardly right at all
he said.

don't I know it? I

I walked away from the mirror.
it was morning,
it was afternoon,
it was night

nothing changed
it was locked in place.
something flashed, something broke, something

I walked down the stairway and
into it.


Nov 15, 2010


Nikon D300 in the early morning of Nagano

have a headache.
maybe too much sleep..

Sep 21, 2010

K park at night

Nikon D300



Sep 19, 2010

something new


I had a lot of sleep today so i'm not sleepy-


Sep 6, 2010

good bye summer

Kiev 60


and nice to meet you
autumn is coming there.

I'm writing this on a cool sommer night.

and thinking about hot coco for a winter time already

relaxing time before it gets busy

Sep 3, 2010

the place K

kiev 60 ILFORD XP2



Aug 27, 2010


Kieve 60 - ILFORD XP2 super 400

Finally, FINALLY, I picked developed films up today.
It was my first time to use ILFORD XP2 super 400 film ( that film is super sexy btw!) with my Kiev 60 and I think it will be last time too since my Kiev 60 is broken very badly.

will try to fix tho..
The problem is kind of same as my old Chaika from Ukraine.

Jul 23, 2010


My little bird Momo died today.
When I came back home she lay down
in a cage.
I tried to feed some of water but nothing happened.

Her body was a bit colder than usual.
I thought why not me..! she did nothing bad so she deserve nothing but the best.

She can not fly anymore, she can't play with me.
when every time i use my iphoe, she got jealous and she put herself on my iPhone and started to bother me.
but now she can'not do that and I can not rub her little warm body. she is gone.

i wonder if she is happy even though only shot time we spent.

Thank you MOMO..

Jun 30, 2010

stuck on


every passing minutes is an another chance to turn it all around.
i don't look back again I know sometimes it gets heard but that's what we need to do.

still stuck on but it will be better I'm sure

I named "Momo" to the bird btw :)

I want to be more friend with her/or him. (she's still baby so we can not see if it's boy or girl by pattern of feather yet)

Jun 28, 2010


I bought a bird from the pet shop near by my house yesterday.


Jun 4, 2010

好きなものノート my favorete note

fuij natura Nikkormat


revolving chair
curved sloping road     
the voice in the bathroom
when catching the moment with kitty's eyes
the steping sounds of walking on the snow       
the clouds in the night sky        
soda float
the sounds of an umbrella open
white crayon

when repeating to do same one each other in a game paper, scissors, stone
the dehulled marron with beautifully

the smell on the street after the rain
back sheet on the bicycle 
cleaning ear
trim my nails
when someone rubbing my hair
hugging time

for me... and the smell of my friend's iPhone
(smell's like vanilla and chocolate somehow)


May 24, 2010

It's raining again!

nikkormat at lake town

It's raining today, again.
もう梅雨? 梅雨ってやだなぁ

I don't like rain if I have to open an umbrella but I like rain if I can walk around without an umbrella so, maybe I really don't like umbrellas, not rain - It doesn't matter if I get wet by rain without my umbrella.
... because I can not open my umbrella properly.傘ってうまくさせないよー
It bothers me always, anytime.

I saw a guyおじさん before, at the station, who can manipulate his umbrella well on the direction of the wind, rhythmically.
He didn't seem to get wet at all. cool.

Let me think about this a little deeply. don't you think It's like a system in a great society?
nahh never mind. thinking too much sometime.

Anyways.. I like be in water even though I can not swim.

how do you spend on a rainy day


" There is a heaven, but nobody ever gets there. You die and your spirit rise up to the sky. As soon as it touches the cloud, it turns into rain. So nobody has ever seen heaven... So, if people end up in heaven, then I guess, now, we are in the heaven." by swallowtail (the phrases that I often remember on a rainy day)

May 13, 2010


I skipped violin lesson today :-)

May 12, 2010



I'm sitting here to write this blog for couple of mins but nothing comes up to my head.
no words. making some words is tough to me.
taking picture is a lot of easier than making words when I feel strong emotion and want to air this out.

one of my friends Miwako introduces a great video on her blog.
she has good eyes, she always find something new and interesting stuff.

May 7, 2010

something is happening that is not happening

Nikon D70

something is happening which is not happening at all

May 3, 2010



my violin concert was finished. I made some mistakes in a play but it didn't matter at all, I was fan.

so tired for many things recently. life is not so easy.

I gotta go to sea again.

then I will be ok.

I cant wait new iphone btw!

getting sleepy. i hope all people have a good night.

Apr 30, 2010

you bring light in...

Nikomat Tri-x, 2009

I took this dog at the cafe in somewhere

Apr 28, 2010




i've still stayed in the kikuuiki



Apr 25, 2010

have you ever felt this way


Have you ever felt this way, F**k off everything and say goodbye to the hell everything
I don't need silly words then I'm ok to be alone forever.
nobody can hurt me

I like photograph, thats enough for me.

have you ever felt this way?

Apr 11, 2010

桜の樹の下には - Under the Cherry Trees

Kieve 60

"under the cherry trees, dead bodies lie! (dead bodies are buried under the cherry trees !)" by Motojiro Kajii

When every time I see, look and watch the The cherry blossoms at night, I won't never forget that his opening sentence.

BTW, the picture on the blog today is not sakura as you know..!
I don't take the night pics of sakura yet..

It's going to be pretty busy this week (as ever)
Here we go..!

筋肉痛になったけど、新しいものに触れるのは面白かったですよ :)
I had an excited experience last month that I shoot wrestling. I was quite shocked about other photographers have some cracks on their camera and patching with tape on their lens! That definitely different as photographers at fashion show.
I got muscle pain after that shooting but I enjoyed my first experience.

頑張って練習してます。iphone で録音して聞いてみたら、音がカクカクしていて幼稚園児のピアノの発表会思い出したよ。
Oh I have my violin concert in this month. I do practice violin hardly now since I taped my violin sound on my iphone using the app of voice memos. that sounds makes me blush as that was like piano concert of the kindergarten kids :O

Apr 10, 2010

my English is made from 70 percent guessing


fly higher than higher with the wisdom that has never died

Apr 3, 2010


tmax ISO100


Mar 31, 2010

Good bye March


I'm going to Okinawa tomorrow and will back to Tokyo on the next day.
Yes, Its a short trip though...
I'm excited as it's my first trip to Okinwa.

I like spending time at cafe so I'm wondering if I can find interesting cafe at fantastic Okinawa.

Jan 23, 2010

Jan 19, 2010


kiev 60

やっと仕事終わったー :D
わーい わーい



Jan 15, 2010

morning sun

Nikkormat (この写真は朝じゃないけど..)

今日は疲れて早くに寝てしまって、夜中の変な時間に目が覚めてからすっかり目が冴えちゃって.. まったくもう!


Jan 4, 2010

we live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round, and round.

D300 at Yoyogi park 2009

I visited my grandma's place in these holidays. I'm simply happy if you are happy.

I can make a big smile on my face even If my heart is judged with the feather of Ma'at on the scale as Egyptian Book of the Dead saying.

Happy new year so there you go.